Vanish The Blue!
Tuesday, August 31 @ Tuesday, August 31, 2010 {0} //
Hello and assalamualaikum!
Nice to post something today as today is holiday. What holiday? National day of course! I’m totally proud to be Malaysian. Thanks God now Malaysia is one of the big and growing up country over the world. Last night, many of citizens had took a chance by did countdown before 12pm all over Malaysia but unfortunately, i’m not one of them. Anyway, i still proud to be Malaysian till my last breath. Oh so touching! Okay now i don’t really want to post any subject related to independent day but i want to share with all of you about feeling blues. 

Feeling blues is now synonym to all aged of people. Kids also can feel underwhelmed. Normally, people who are “in a bad mood” is due to some reason such as student always get tensed over their exam grades, a lady who is just broke up with her man, mum who is losing dad and many more. This always happened in our daily life. Sometimes Me also get depressed badly. Of course not because of nursing a broken heart.  Homework, tuitions, friends, family problem also can effect someone days. So, Miya would like to give some tips on how to drag yourself out when you're wallowing down in the dumps!
signs that you are depressed
here the checklist, check this out whether you're normal or not.
#1 you feel helpless and hopeless
#2 everything bores you
#3 you are exhausted
#4 your brain is mush
#5 you're fighting mad
#6  you hate yourself
#7 ...but you have insomnia
#8 your body looks weird

what is the truly meaning of depression?

depression is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic inheritance, social factors, psychological traits and general health.
how to get help?
  •  get a friend and talk to him/her. make sure the folk you are choosing is the right one.
  • talk to you school counsellor. don't be shy!
  • talk to a close family such as your mum or sister.
  • contact a help group like the Befrienders. 
doa's that can help you feel serene when you're depressed.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku adalah hambaMu, anak kepada hambaMu, anak kepada hamba perempuanMu, ubun-ubunku di tanganMu, terlaksana ke atasku hukumanMu dan adil kehakimanMu terhadapku, aku memohon kepadaMu dengan setiap nama yang Engkau namakan dengannya diriMu, atau Engkau turunkan di dalam kitabMu, atau Engkau telah mengajarnya kepada seseorang daripada makhlukMu atau yang tersembunyi pada ilmu ghaib di sisiMu, jadikanlah Al-Quran penenang hatiku, cahaya di dadaku, penghapus kedukaanku dan penghilang kesusahanku.
Aku berlindung dengan kalimat Allah yang sempurna, yang tidak boleh ditembusi oleh orang yang baik dan yang jahat, dari kejahatan semua makhluk, dari kejahatan semua yang turun dari langit dan yang naik kepadanya, dari kejahatan semua yang tumbuh di dalam bumi dan yang keluar daripadanya, dari kejahatan fitnah yang berlaku di waktu malam dan siang dan dari kejahatan yang datang (pada waktu malam) kecuali dengan tujuan baik, wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih
             be happy -love their smiles!
okay this is the post that i really working hard on it. i really got to go as there's lot thing to do next. okay people, hope you really enjoy with your days and don't forget to apply these tips when you're feeling blue!

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