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Cuti Panjang
Sunday, October 10 @ Sunday, October 10, 2010 {0} //
![]() assalamualaikum and good afternoon people. i would like to post short notice to all reader ( tak banyak readers pon) about my absence starting from tomorrow (11.10.2010). this all due to final exam that will be coming tak lama lagi. i'm sorry because i need space to ulangkaji topics yang lama sudah ditinggalkan. banyak kali miya buat mistakes, tapi masih buat tak tahu. okay, saya tahu ada cikgu kecewa dengan miya. saya minta ampun, minta maaf banyak banyak kerana menyusahkan cikgu terpaksa jawab dengan pengetua kenapa miya boleh dapat markah rendah for last exam. banyak sebab nya, tapi miya tak mahu dedahkan dekat sini. mungkin Allah nak duga miya, Allah berikan miya sakit pening kepala, demam dan selesema untuk beri miya pengajaran supaya tidak ulangkaji last minute. apa apa pun, miya sudah cuba sebaik mungkin. for this final exam, miya akan lebih berusaha dengan keras. insyallah, mungkin dengan usaha yang lebih sikit boleh naikkan prestasi miya kan? tahun depan lebih banyak benda untuk dicover balik. for readers yang datang jenguk belog miya, thank you so much. miya janji miya akan jejak blog korang balik after final test selesai okay? tinggalkan jejak kamu semua dekat shoutbox macam biasa okay? doakan miya yang terbaik ya. semoga hari hari kamu semua dirahmati Allah dan sentiasa ceria selalu. Amin (: *maaf, entry kali ini menggunakan percampuran bahasa inggeris dan bahasa melayu. Empty Trash.
Monday, October 4 @ Monday, October 04, 2010 {0} //
are you satisfied now? thanks for leaving me without anywords. you are my sunshine, you are my disease. may you will be okay there. Brunei, be nice to my boy. Singapore too. you're not really my boy actually but the feeling will never be erased. i'm laughing outside, the fact is i'm crying damnly. If my mum decide to marry again.
Saturday, October 2 @ Saturday, October 02, 2010 {0} //
![]() hello peeps! assalamualaikum. there is a voice in my head keep saying this, if my mum decide to marry someone else after my father left her alone about 12 years ? hah! this make me going worry all day long. how can i live with new father after 12 years without a man that i called father in my life? how can i accept my mum married again after i thought she won't be married anyone else except my father? how i can live with one strange people in my house? how can i walk with one another person that suddenly appear to my life and being my new father? how can i live with all those thing? nah, i need to find my own space if this all come true. well, i can't denied myself there so many people keep asking me same question like this, "don't new father?", "let your mum married and get another kid". and i can't lied to myself i do want another siblings, good father who can replaced my father. i do want all that but i'm not fully prepared for that. i have met few man who wanted to marry my mom and they were all good. i believe they can make my mum happy but i'm just don't know whether my mom can make them happy or not. my mum once said that she never have any intentions to marry off someone else and she enjoyed living alone. i can see from her eyes, the way she expressed her words only to satisfy me. i know that i can't live beside her for all my aged, i believe that i will leaved her once in order to achieve my dreams. but i don't want her to be lonely without nobody in the house, company her dinner, make her a coffee, hearing all her story. i want somebody to take over my routine being her company all day long. i love her and i want that somebody to love her like i do. my doa is i want she meet someone that can replaced my father in her heart and be happy with him. i am happy if she does happy. i don't mind if she neglect me and having another kids, i don't be hurt if she never prepared for me a breakfast and busy preparing breakfast for her husband. it will be okay for me as long as she has a wonderful life with her new husband.
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I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.TAGBOARD
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